Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Mystery ailment

Erin Brockovich is a lawyer and an environmental activist. She got famous when she in 1993 solved a case against PG&E, without a law degree. (Read more about this case here).

However now she is investigating a case concerning the illness of teenagers at a high-school in Le Roy, N.Y. The symptoms of this disease are facial tics and verbal outburst. 15 students have been infected by this disease, but among those 15, there is only one boy. Doctors and professors are not certain of what this disease is, and what is causing it. However Erin has her own theory.

In 1970 a train spilled cyanide and industrial derailment solvent called trichloroethene near by the school. Erin thinks this has a connection with the disease. Therefore she is now investigating this case. So far she has not found out any results because the school refused to let Erin and her team run tests. However she is still working to get permission to do those tests she needs. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if she is right about that. It must be terrible for both the teenagers and their parents. Let's hope they find out what it is!
